Sunday, September 23, 2012

Forex eToro Review

eToro - Practical examples of use

This is a brief summary of some of the functionality that the platform eToro offers to their users. Some Forex trading examples that show how easy is to trade foreign currencies with eToro are included, too. When you enter the platform, you can choose between visual mode or so-called expert mode. Since the last one seems to be a difficult thing, for experts, let's explain it right now. You'll see immediately how easy and intuitive are operations to buy or sell currency pair, with just a few clicks.

Open position

The operations to do to open a position, indicated with red arrows and relative numbers, are described bellow.
  1. With a click of the mouse you select the line containing the currency pair you want to trade.
  2. In the field "Currency Pair" you choose to buy or to sell the pair. In this example, the pair EUR/USD has been chosen to sell because is considered that the price will drop.
  3. In the field "Trade Options" you choose the risk level, i.e. the leverage, which ranges from 1 to 10 to 1 to 400. Than you choose the amount to invest and you can also set the limits for "stop loss" and "take profit". These limits may be set or changed at a later stage, as we shall see in the next paragraph.
  4. When all the parameters are set, you should activate the exchange by clicking on the green button "Open Trade". One window opens where you should click "OK", to confirm the operation or click "Cancel" if you change your mind and you don’t want to execute the trade.

Limits modification

Once the position is opened you can change one or both of the limits of the same position: automatic closing of the position to limit the loss (Stop Loss), if the trend is unfavorable to you, and / or self-closing to take profit (Take Profit) when the price reaches desired level. The picture above shows the procedure to change the limit "Take Profit". The same would be a way to change "Stop Loss".
To change the value of "take profit" you must click on the relative button (circled in red). One window will open where you can change the value by changing the monetary amount of profit or by varying the rate of closure. Of course, changing one of the two, the other value automatically changes. Once you set the value to what you want, you must press "OK" button to confirm the new limit.

Close the position manually

Having set the limits for the stop of the loss and the profit taking, the position will close automatically if one of the limits is reached. If for any reason you want to close the position manually, at any time you can click with mouse on the button "Close" (circled in red) and then click the button "OK" to confirm the closure on the new window that will open. All closed position are moved in history field. To access the history area, you must click the tab "History" (circled in yellow). You can see the content of history field on the next image.


In the history area all closed positions are listed together with the most relevant data of their performance. Reading from the left to the right we have the number of operation, type of action (buy or sell) and the currency pair involved, the opening and closing dates and times, the amount invested and the capital managed with invested amount. Follow the opening and closing rates, the spread and profits or loss achieved with the percentage gain. The transactions are listed in chronological order and higher listed are more recently executed. To return to the previous screen click the tab "Open Trades", circled in yellow.
Examining better this window, as well as those listed before, you can see tabs and buttons of other features that eToro offers to clients: the online help with explanations about the meaning of the options, contact the staff and access to the community and forum, where you can exchange ideas and opinions with other users. You can also view the news in real time from the world of finance and see the calendar of events important for the evolution of the prices of currencies. The Forex tab are relative to the currency pairs, while if you click Commodities tab you can trade gold and silver. At the left of the lines with currency pairs, there are buttons to access the charts that show evolution of the rate of the currency pair we are interested in. It's circled in red the button of the pair EUR / USD, and the relative graph you can see below.


The charts offer a range of options that allow you to adapt representation to our personal taste. First of all, you can choose from a basic chart or an advanced one. The last one is shown on the picture below. As you can see, chart can be represented with traditional style bar, lines or with the candles. You can choose the period of representation from 1 minutes to 24 hours, various technical indicators and you can also draw lines and curves. Among other things, the chart can be saved on your personal computer for the future analysis. Moving the mouse cursor over a candle you obtain all the characteristic values for the relevant period; the rates of opening and closing, and the high and low price of the pair. 

The above chart also shows the high volatility of exchange rates in certain periods. On the graph you can see the evolution of EUR / USD in the day 27 July 2009, in periods of 15 minutes. Observe the difference between the highest price on the chart of 1.4297 at 11:45 a.m. and the lowest one of 1,4203 at 16:00 (4:00 p.m.). In about 4 hours, the price was dropped by 94 pips. Exploiting this decrease would mean earning 94% of invested capital, using the leverage 1 to 100, in just 4 hours and no other exchange market may offer the opportunity to so high profit.

Visual mode

For completeness of presentation, let’s see briefly one of the five visual modes that are available to the trader. After seeing how simple is the use of the expert mode of the eToro platform, maybe wouldn’t be correct to say that the visual mode is simpler. Indeed, it is just easy as expert mode, but this mode is offered to meet the personal tastes and to allow the user to choose the most suitable for him.
The window on the visual offers to client 5 different visual interfaces called globe trader, forex trand, forex marathon, forex charts and forex trade box. All interfaces are interactive, choosing one of the options you pass the selection to another one. Since all is very simple and intuitive, only the screenshot of the mode "forex trend" is shown here. 

 In the "forex trend", the image below, we choose one of the currencies and the expected trend, rise or fall, (column "currency direction"). For example, we have chosen the euro that rise. The box that we chosen will indicate us, with an arrow, the next column we must elaborate, in this case is "Against currency". Here we indicate the currency that make pair with the euro: we indicate USD. Having made this choice on the right we will see a series of boxes with the amount to be invested and we choose one of those proposed. At the end you can choose, at the bottom of the screen, the level of risk: 100, 200 and 400. Made all the choices we press the button "Open Trade" and one window appears that allow us to confirm or to abandon the operation. Really easy, isn’t it?

Simple Forex Software

The majority of the people who trade on Forex have a passion for this, they are not professionals of the field. Often, they are employers in the firm and during the hours of work they have no possibility (for obvious reasons) to make the trading. Someone would gladly look at the market during the lunch time, in order to see if some trend could be useful, but often the employers don't have the possibility to do that. The computers in the office are almost always connected on the firm's network and many times the unavoidable firewall does not permit access to Forex sites or it is not possible to install the relative software because it would be necessary to have the credentials of the net administrator.
The official platform software is limited and it doesn’t always permit us to have a global vision of the course of currencies and the market, it might be possible, but we must open a tide of windows and arrange them in an ergonomic way, with some personal criteria, for being able to see the necessary data.
In order to face both problems, several years ago a good friend of mine created a small program. He is a very good software programmer and very fair priced, but only for friends: I took him out for dinner! That was all it cost me for his work. I wanted an application that shows the global course, the trend of the main currencies, all together and in a simple manner. For this purpose software ForexTrend was created. It's a gift from us. You can download and use it for free. 


Let’s start with the installation and the necessary resources for proper use of the application. Start by downloading the software to your preferred folder. You can also place it on the desktop so that you can easily access it. There is no need to install the software. The application works under all versions of Windows. You must be connected to the Internet in order to read the values of the currency couples. If you have an antivirus program you will probably have to set up a rule so that the program can access the Internet.

What it does and how does it works

Start by clicking the Start button. The program read once in the minute the medium value of 15 couples of the 6 main currencies. At this point I want to give you two explanations. Since I wanted to show the global pointers, I didn't want to make the application more "heavy" by using buy and sell values, who are variable between one platform and the other. If you look well you will see two couples miss, GBP/AUD and AUD/CHF, instead of which you will find two others: EUR/CAD and USD/CAD. These last ones are those which I use sometimes, while I never trade with the first two couples. It's only about my personal tastes and I hope it goes well also to you. As it is seen on the screen below, there are 8 couples on the left and 7 on the right of the window. For every couple we have:
  • Name of the currency couple to which the data refer.
  • The first value read immediately after the start of the program, in the square brackets, and in the same line the last six read values.
  • The linear diagram with the representation of the course of the price from the beginning of the program. In the right side of diagram are written minimums (in red) and maximum (green), occurred during the software activity. 

Up in the window there are the timetables of the readings of the relative values. The first timetable is always in the square brackets, as it is refered to the first price. The numeric values and diagrams are both colored:
  • In green, if the price is increased,
  • In red, if the price is decreased,
  • In black, if the price has remained unchanged.
If for some reason the program can’t read the values, the place which have to contain the data will be empty. If instead you see all diagrams black and linear, than Forex marcet is closed and you read the closing price.

Software limitations

The software can read until 30.000 data for every couple. Since the reading interval is of 1 minute, the data can be accumulated for 500 hours, that means more than 20 days. Once the maximum capacity is reached, the application is automatically stopped, as if the user had pressed the Stop button.
The graphical space permits the presentation of a certain number of points, not the maximum number which can be read by the program. When this limit is reached, in the diagram will be only present data for a minimum lack of time, every 2 minutes, 3 minutes and so on. In this case, the minimum and maximum values indicated on the right side of diagram are refer to the complete interval of the read data, while the same diagram could not represent them.
You must also consider the fact that the prices are read in discontinuous way, that means once in a minute, so the read price could not be the maximum or the minim in that interval. However, the aim was to see the global trend. Obviously, for the real trading you will chose your favorite forex platform that will give you the precise data.

Download : Forex Trend

Saturday, September 22, 2012

eToro Forex platform

eToro is in this moment probably the most modern and original Forex platform on Internet. Thanks to the deepened studies of the needs and the habits of traders, and ergonomics, considering that people are different among them, eToro provides that each operation could be done in several ways, different from each other therefore everyone surely find way to work more closely to him. Everything is very intuitive and you will be able to start very easily, without even reading the instructions, which however should be consulted.
Another feature, which the users will like a lot, is that in certain periods eToro applies a spread of just 2 pips on the major currencies and a benefit like this isn’t so easy to find on the other platforms. Moreover, a real account can be opened with a really small amount, only 50 dollars. In this way, this platform tries to open the Forex market to people with the modest financial resources. 

But eToro doesn’t want to be another impersonal computer tool, so it offers its users a great forum where you can exchange opinions, ideas and experiences with the other members, and a chat in real time with other traders. In real time you can see trends followed by the other users, namely those who buy and sell (in percentages) the main currency pairs. And even more, there are tournaments between traders with prizes: the winner is the trader that produces the hugest profit in certain period, and the first prize is 10,000 U.S. dollars. So eToro is not only a Forex platform, but an authentic Forex community, too.
As the other good platform, eToro offers a demo account with 2000 dollars, obviously a virtual money, where you can achieve experience, learning about the world of the Forex and the use of the platform itself. Even using a demo account you are participating in the tournament with the other traders and the top 10 traders are rewarded with the prizes ranging from 100 to 300 dollars. Various options are offered for funding your account and withdrawing from it, starting from the usual and inevitable credit card, through a bank transfer, PayPal or convenient, or Western Union to transfer money. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Forex Web Platforms

Today, on Internet are present numerous sites that use various Forex platforms, as usually are called applications, i.e. the software that allow us to sell and to buy currencies in the real time. The purpose of this page is to supply to potential users useful information about some of them, that we use frequently and that we acquaint well. We hope that this can help especially those that approach for the first time Forex trading, and experienced users, too.
Our selection of Forex platforms are based on seriousness, reputation and tradition of the companies that manage particular platform, security of the platforms, simplicity and powerful at the same time of the interface, and availability of training mode, so client can become familiar with platform, before he starts to operate with the real money. Surely, very important elements for trading are applied spread, especially for the majors, the most traded, bonuses and prizes, security, simplicity and celerity of the procedures of funds and withdrawals from your account, and of course assistance and support offered to the clients.
It’s essential to know well certain Forex platform before starting to trade with the real money. This knowledge protect us from unpleasant surprises that we can have using non reliable platforms, or those not sufficiently tested. One can have good information searching on Internet with search engines, looking for opinions and judgements of experienced users that often put them in various forums and personal blogs. 


eToro is a new Forex platform, founded in 2008, that uses latest information technology in computer science, and ergonomics knowledge to give to a final user an innovative, visual interface, visually very pleasant and modern, but more important, very intuitive and extremely easy to use. Procedures to open or to close one position can be done with only one click of the mouse. Once the position is opened so quick, all the parameters, such "stop loss" or "take profit" can be adjusted to suit your necessities. The whole process, from the opening to the closing of the position, is very clear and transparent.
Like any good platform, eToro also offers real-time charts of the trends of the currencies and the latest news in the world, but also the possibility to chat with other customers and to exchange ideas in one dedicated forum. They organise for customers championships trading and customers who have had more success, that have made the biggest profits, are rewarded with prizes in cash, credited to the account to the real account. So a job, sometimes very stressful, becomes also a pleasant online entertainment and a place where you can meet other people with similar interests as yours. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Forex Trading Examples

Here are two detailed examples of intraday trading: this means that you open and close the position within one Forex day. Remember that the Forex day starts at 5:00 PM EST (10:00 PM GMT / 22:00), and ends a day after at the same time.

Long position example (buying position)

Detailed description
You have a EUR 1,000 account and would like to buy a full lot (100,000) of the pair USD/JPY.
Step 1
You decide to buy the pair at the following rates:
USD/JPY 110.00/110.03
EUR/JPY 160.00/160.03
NOTE: We will use the EUR/JPY rate to transform the trade currency into your euro account base currency.
To buy 100,000 USD with JPY, the broker provides you 100,000 USD x 110.03 (The ask price), which equals 11,003,000 JPY. With 11,003,000 JPY, you buy 100,000 USD.
Having used 1:100 leverage, you are able to open this position with a 1,000 USD investment (110,030 JPY). EUR 687.69 (110,030 JPY / 160.00) is used as margin to cover your position. You are left with a EUR 312.31 balance in your account. Now you have an open long position.
Step 2
When you sell the pair, the rates are:
USD/JPY 110.70/110.73
EUR/JPY 160.01/160.04

You sell USD at 110.70 for a total of 11,070,000 JPY. Your profit is 67,000 JPY ( 11,070,000 - 11,003,000), i.e. 67,000 JPY / 160.04 (ask price) = 418.65 EUR. This means that your account now contains 1,418.65 EUR (1,000.00 initial account's amount + 418.65 profit).
Using leverage to your advantage, you made a 61% (100 x 418.65 / 687.69) profit in one day. Only in the Forex market can you make such huge profits, so quickly.
Long summary
Step 1
When you buy the pair the rate is:
USD/JPY 110.00/110.03

You buy 100,000 USD against JPY at 110.03.
Step 2
When you sell the pair the rates is:
USD/JPY 110.70/110.73

The difference between the selling and buying price is 110,70 – 110,03 = 0.67 JPY: this is your profit for each USD invested, for a total of 100,000 USD x 0.67 JPY = 67,000 JPY, or 418.65 EUR, as seen above. 

Short position example (selling position)

Detailed description
Your basic account currency is EUR, with an amount of 1,000 EUR, and you would like to sell 100,000 (a full lot) of the pair USD/JPY (selling USD against JPY).
Step 1
You decide to sell the pair at the following rates:
USD/JPY 110.00/110.03
EUR/USD 1.4000/1.4003
NOTE: We will use the EUR/USD rate to transform the trade currency into your euro account base currency.
Using a leverage of 100:1, you are able to sell USD 100,000 USD/JPY, selling USD 100,000 and buying JPY 11,000,000 (100,000 x 110.00). The 1,000 USD translates into EUR 714.29 (1,000 USD / 1.4000), which is margin to cover your position. You are left with a EUR 285.71 balance in your account. Now you have an open short position.
Step 2
When you buy the pair, the rates are:
USD/JPY 109.20/109.23
EUR/USD 1.4006/1.4009

You buy USD at 109.23 (ask price), for a total of 100,704.93 USD (11,000,000 JPY / 109.23). Your profit is 704.93 USD (= 100,704.93 - 100,000), i.e. 503.20 EUR (704.93 USD / 1.4009). Your account now contains 1,503.20 EUR (1,000.00 initial account’s amount + 503.20 profit).
You made a 70% (100 x 503.20 / 714.29) profit in a day.
Short summary
Step 1
When you sell the pair the rate is:
USD/JPY 110.00/110.03

You sell 100,000 USD against JPY at 110.00.
Step 2
When you buy the pair, the rate is:
USD/JPY 109.20/109.23
You buy USD at 109.23. The difference between the selling and buying price is 110.00 – 109.23 = 0.77 JPY: this is your profit for each USD invested, for a total of 100,000 USD x 0.77 JPY = 77,000 JPY, or 503.20 EUR, as explained above.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

World Forex Hours

The Forex market is the only 24-hour market, opening Sunday 5 PM EST, and running continuously until Friday 5 PM EST. The Forex day starts with the opening of Sydney’s (Australia) Forex market at 5:00 PM EST (10:00 PM GMT / 22:00), and ends with the closing of New York’s market, a day after, at 5:00 PM EST (10:00 PM GMT / 22:00), immediately reopening in Sydney restart trading.
Note: EST is an abbreviation for Eastern Standard Time (e.g. New York), while GMT is an abbreviation for Greenwich Mean Time (e.g. London).
The main Forex markets, in the order of their opening times, are: Sydney, Tokyo, Frankfurt, London and New York. On the chart below, you can see the hourly course of the Forex-trading day. 

 Note: Tokyo’s market doesn’t start in the proper time zone due to the fact that it opens 1 hour
after the other markets (9:00 AM Local Time, while others open at 8:00 AM Local Time).

 The following table illustrates the opening and closing local times for a Forex day and week, in function of time zones. 

Time Zone Opening/Closing time* Week starts Week ends  
GMT+12 10:00 AM (10:00) Monday 10:00 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Auckland
GMT+11 09:00 AM (09:00) Monday 09:00 AM Saturday 09:00 AM  
GMT+10 08:00 AM (08:00) Monday 08:00 AM Saturday 08:00 AM Sydney
GMT+9 07:00 AM (07:00) Monday 07:00 AM Saturday 07:00 AM Tokyo
GMT+8 06:00 AM (06:00) Monday 06:00 AM Saturday 06:00 AM Hong Kong
GMT+7 05:00 AM (05:00) Monday 05:00 AM Saturday 05:00 AM Bangkok
GMT+6 04:00 AM (04:00) Monday 04:00 AM Saturday 04:00 AM Dhaka
GMT+5 03:00 AM (03:00) Monday 03:00 AM Saturday 03:00 AM Karachi
GMT+4 02:00 AM (02:00) Monday 02:00 AM Saturday 02:00 AM  
GMT+3 01:00 AM (01:00) Monday 01:00 AM Saturday 01:00 AM  
GMT+2 00:00 AM (00:00) Sunday 00:00 AM Friday 00:00 AM Cairo
GMT+1 11:00 PM (23:00) Sunday 11:00 PM Friday 11:00 PM Frankfurt
GMT 10:00 PM (22:00) Sunday 10:00 PM Friday 10:00 PM London
GMT-1 09:00 PM (21:00) Sunday 09:00 PM Friday 09:00 PM  
GMT-2 08:00 PM (20:00) Sunday 08:00 PM Friday 08:00 PM  
GMT-3 07:00 PM (19:00) Sunday 07:00 PM Friday 07:00 PM  
GMT-4 06:00 PM (18:00) Sunday 06:00 PM Friday 06:00 PM  
GMT-5 05:00 PM (17:00) Sunday 05:00 PM Friday 05:00 PM New York
GMT-6 04:00 PM (16:00) Sunday 04:00 PM Friday 04:00 PM Chicago
GMT-7 03:00 PM (15:00) Sunday 03:00 PM Friday 03:00 PM  
GMT-8 02:00 PM (14:00) Sunday 02:00 PM Friday 02:00 PM Los Angeles
GMT-9 01:00 PM (13:00) Sunday 01:00 PM Friday 01:00 PM  
GMT-10 00:00 PM (12:00) Sunday 00:00 PM Friday 00:00 PM Hawaii
GMT-11 11:00 AM (11:00) Sunday 11:00 AM Friday 11:00 AM  

If you live in New York you can see from the table (GMT-5) that daily trade starts at 5:00 PM (17:00), and ends at 5:00 PM (17:00) the day after. The weekly opening is at Sunday, while the weekly closing is Friday.
Familiarize yourself with your local opening and closing times, because this will impact when you must close your day trades.
For example, if you live in London (GMT), the Forex day ends and restarts at 10:00 PM (22:00). If you open a position at 9:30 PM (21:30), and close it at 10:30 AM (22:30), your trade goes from one to another Forex day and rollover/swap are applied. If you open a position at 10:30 PM (22:30), and close it next day at 11:00 AM (11:00), your trade is intraday (closed within the same Forex day), and no rollover/swap apply.

Important: A Forex day doesn’t correspond to a normal/calendar day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Forex Terms

In this little glossary you can find explanations for some of the most used terms in Forex. 
Term Explenation
Ask The price at which a broker is willing to sell (same as Offer) a currency pair. This is the price the trader pays when buying a currency. If the quote for EUR/USD is 1.4000/1.4003, 1.4003 is the Ask price.
Bid The price at which broker is willing to buy a currency pair. This is the price the trader receives when selling a currency. If the quote for EUR/USD is 1.4000/1.4003, 1.4000 is the Bid price.
Bid/Ask Spread Or simply Spread. The spread is the difference between the Bid and Ask price. If the quote for EUR/USD is 1.4000/1.4003, the spread is 0.0003 USD (3 pips).
Broker An individual or firm who handles trader's orders to sell or to buy currency, and charges the customer a commission for the service.
Closing rate The rate of the last transaction completed of the considered period.
Currency Pairs Foreign Exchange traders buy one currency while simultaneously selling another. Therefore, Foreign Exchange quotes are expressed in currency pairs. The four major currency pairs are the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, and USD/JPY. The first currency in the currency pair is the "base currency", while the second is the "quote currency" or "counter currency". For example, in the pair EUR/USD the EUR is the base currency, and the USD is the quote currency.
Currency Pair Price The price of a currency pair is usually a five digit number, with four digits to the right of the decimal point. In some instances, most usually with the Japanese Yen, currency pairs have only four digits.
When, for example, EUR/USD is listed at 1.4000, it means that it takes 1.4000 units of the quote currency (USD) to buy a unit of the base currency (EUR). If the price of the currency pair rises to 1.4050, a trader with a long position (buying EUR against USD) makes a profit, while a trader with a short position (selling EUR against USD) takes a loss.
Day Trading Refers to opening and closing the same position within same day.
Leverage The ratios between the contract value and the deposit required from trader (margin) to trade. For example, if the trader must deposit $500 to have a $100,000 position (to buy a full Lot), the leverage is 200:1 ($100,000/$500). The inverse value is the percentage margin requirement: in this example 0.5% (0,005 = $500/$100,000).
Long When a trader buys a currency pair it is called going long. The trader’s position will appreciate if the price of the currency pair increases.
Margin The initial investment needed to open one position, used as collateral to cover the credit risk of the broker/dealer. The percentage of the required margin is inversely related to the leverage.
Opening rate The rate of the first transaction completed of the considered period.
Pip An abbreviatian of Percentage In Point. The smallest measure of price move that a given exchange rate can make in Forex trading. For most major currency pairs, one pip equals 1/100th of 1 percent (0.0001). A notable exception is the USD/JPY, in which each pip is 0.01. For instance, if pair EUR/USD moves from 1.4000 to 1.4007, the pair has appreciated seven pips.
Short When a trader sells a currency pair it is called going short. The trader’s position will appreciate if the price of the currency pair decreases.

Basic Forex Charts

Line Chart

The line chart is the simplest charting option. Rate history is measured according to customizable time intervals, and the points, which illustrate the closing rate at that particular time, are connected by a line. The horizontal axis lists the time units (for example: 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, etc.) and the vertical axis illustrates the rate value. For example, the graphic below details 100 intervals of 15 minutes on the horizontal axis, for a total of 1500 minutes (25 hours). This means that the closing rates are indicated at each 15 minute interval. 
 One of the problems with the line chart is that only the closing rate is shown for every time interval, and doesn’t let us see changes that happened within this period. Using the OHLC bar chart, traders are able to see all price changes occurring within each time interval. Using the OHLC bar chart, traders may identify the opening rate (O), the highest rate (H), the lowest rate (L), and the closing rate (C), within each time interval, as shown on the graphic below (note that the opening rate is on the left, while the closing rate is on the right of the bar). 
 An OHLC bar chart, using 10 intervals of 15 minutes, looks like this: 

Candlestick Chart

The candlestick chart, based on an old Japanese method, is similar to the OHLC. The body of the candle is red when the opening rate is higher than the closing rate. The body of the candle is green when the opening rate is lower than the closing rate. When the candlestick is green the top of the body, the thick center of the candlestick, represents the closing rate. When the candlestick is red the bottom of the body represents the closing rate. The two lines extending from the bottom and top of the body illustrate the high and low of each particular time interval. 

 A candlestick chart, using 11 intervals of 15 minutes, looks like this: 

Monday, September 17, 2012

List of World's Currencies for Forex

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provided ISO 4217 standard that define codes of three letter and relative three digits number for each currency. Here is a relative table.

Code Num Currency State
AED 784 United Arab Emirates dirham United Arab Emirates
AFN 971 Afghani Afghanistan
ALL 008 Lek Albania
AMD 051 Armenian Dram Armenia
ANG 532 Netherlands Antillian Guilder Netherlands Antilles
AOA 973 Kwanza Angola
ARS 032 Argentine Peso Argentina
AUD 036 Australian Dollar Australia
AWG 533 Aruban Guilder Aruba
AZN 944 Azerbaijanian Manat Azerbaijan
BAM 977 Convertible Marks Bosnia and Herzegovina
BBD 052 Barbados Dollar Barbados
BDT 050 Bangladeshi Taka Bangladesh
BGN 975 Bulgarian Lev Bulgaria
BHD 048 Bahraini Dinar Bahrain
BIF 108 Burundian Franc Burundi
BMD 060 Bermudian Dollar Bermuda
BND 096 Brunei Dollar Brunei
BOB 068 Boliviano Bolivia
BRL 986 Brazilian Real Brazil
BSD 044 Bahamian Dollar Bahamas
BTN 064 Ngultrum Bhutan
BWP 072 Pula Botswana
BYR 974 Belarussian Ruble Belarus
BZD 084 Belize Dollar Belize
CAD 124 Canadian Dollar Canada
CDF 976 Franc Congolais Democratic Republic of Congo
CHF 756 Swiss Franc Switzerland, Liechtenstein
CLP 152 Chilean Peso Chile
CNY 156 Yuan Renminbi Mainland China
COP 170 Colombian Peso Colombia
CRC 188 Costa Rican Colon Costa Rica
CUP 192 Cuban Peso Cuba
CVE 132 Cape Verde Escudo Cape Verde
CYP 196 Cyprus Pound Cyprus
CZK 203 Czech Koruna Czech Republic
DJF 262 Djibouti Franc Djibouti
DKK 208 Danish Krone Denmark
DOP 214 Dominican Peso Dominican Republic
DZD 012 Algerian Dinar Algeria
EEK 233 Kroon Estonia
EGP 818 Egyptian Pound Egypt
ERN 232 Nakfa Eritrea
ETB 230 Ethiopian Birr Ethiopia
EUR 978 Euro Eurozone
FJD 242 Fiji Dollar Fiji
FKP 238 Falkland Islands Pound Falkland Islands
GBP 826 Pound Sterling United Kingdom
GEL 981 Lari Georgia
GHS 288 Cedi Ghana
GIP 292 Gibraltar pound Gibraltar
GMD 270 Dalasi Gambia
GNF 324 Guinea Franc Guinea
GTQ 320 Quetzal Guatemala
GYD 328 Guyana Dollar Guyana
HKD 344 Hong Kong Dollar Hong Kong
HNL 340 Lempira Honduras
HRK 191 Croatian Kuna Croatia
HTG 332 Haiti Gourde Haiti
HUF 348 Forint Hungary
IDR 360 Rupiah Indonesia
ILS 376 New Israeli Shekel Israel
INR 356 Indian Rupee India
IQD 368 Iraqi Dinar Iraq
IRR 364 Iranian Rial Iran
ISK 352 Iceland Krona Iceland
JMD 388 Jamaican Dollar Jamaica
JOD 400 Jordanian Dinar Jordan
JPY 392 Japanese yen Japan
KES 404 Kenyan Shilling Kenya
KGS 417 Som Kyrgyzstan
KHR 116 Riel Cambodia
KMF 174 Comoro Franc Comoros
KPW 408 North Korean Won North Korea
KRW 410 South Korean Won South Korea
KWD 414 Kuwaiti Dinar Kuwait
KYD 136 Cayman Islands Dollar Cayman Islands
KZT 398 Tenge Kazakhstan
LAK 418 Kip Laos
LBP 422 Lebanese Pound Lebanon
LKR 144 Sri Lanka Rupee Sri Lanka
LRD 430 Liberian Dollar Liberia
LSL 426 Loti Lesotho
LTL 440 Lithuanian Litas Lithuania
LVL 428 Latvian Lats Latvia
LYD 434 Libyan Dinar Libya
MAD 504 Moroccan Dirham Morocco
MDL 498 Moldovan Leu Moldova
MGA 969 Malagasy Ariary Madagascar
MKD 807 Denar Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
MMK 104 Kyat Myanmar
MNT 496 Tugrik Mongolia
MOP 446 Pataca Macau
MRO 478 Ouguiya Mauritania
MTL 470 Maltese Lira Malta
MUR 480 Mauritius Rupee Mauritius
MVR 462 Rufiyaa Maldives
MWK 454 Kwacha Malawi
MXN 484 Mexican Peso Mexico
MYR 458 Malaysian Ringgit Malaysia
MZN 943 Metical Mozambique
NAD 516 Namibian Dollar Namibia
NGN 566 Naira Nigeria
NIO 558 Cordoba Oro Nicaragua
NOK 578 Norwegian Krone Norway
NPR 524 Nepalese Rupee Nepal
NZD 554 New Zealand Dollar New Zealand
OMR 512 Rial Omani Oman
PAB 590 Balboa Panama
PEN 604 Nuevo Sol Peru
PGK 598 Kina Papua New Guinea
PHP 608 Philippine Peso Philippines
PKR 586 Pakistan Rupee Pakistan
PLN 985 Zloty Poland
PYG 600 Guarani Paraguay
QAR 634 Qatari Rial Qatar
RON 946 Romanian New Leu Romania
RSD 941 Serbian Dinar Serbia
RUB 643 Russian Ruble Russia
RWF 646 Rwanda Franc Rwanda
SAR 682 Saudi Riyal Saudi Arabia
SBD 090 Solomon Islands Dollar Solomon Islands
SCR 690 Seychelles Rupee Seychelles
SDG 938 Sudanese Pound Sudan
SEK 752 Swedish Krona Sweden
SGD 702 Singapore Dollar Singapore
SHP 654 Saint Helena Pound Saint Helena
SKK 703 Slovak Koruna Slovakia
SLL 694 Leone Sierra Leone
SOS 706 Somali Shilling Somalia
SRD 968 Surinam Dollar Suriname
STD 678 Dobra Sao Tome and Príncipe
SYP 760 Syrian Pound Syria
SZL 748 Lilangeni Swaziland
THB 764 Baht Thailand
TJS 972 Somoni Tajikistan
TMM 795 Manat Turkmenistan
TND 788 Tunisian Dinar Tunisia
TOP 776 Pa'anga Tonga
TRY 949 New Turkish Lira Turkey
TTD 780 Trinidad and Tobago Dollar Trinidad and Tobago
TWD 901 New Taiwan Dollar Taiwan
TZS 834 Tanzanian Shilling Tanzania
UAH 980 Hryvnia Ukraine
UGX 800 Uganda Shilling Uganda
USD 840 US Dollar United States of America
UYU 858 Peso Uruguayo Uruguay
UZS 860 Uzbekistan Som Uzbekistan
VEB 862 Venezuelan bolívar Venezuela
VND 704 Vietnamese dong Vietnam
VUV 548 Vatu Vanuatu
WST 882 Samoan Tala Samoa
XAF 950 CFA Franc BEAC Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
XAG 961 Silver (one Troy ounce)  
XAU 959 Gold (one Troy ounce)  
XOF 952 CFA Franc BCEAO Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo
XPD 964 Palladium (one Troy ounce)  
XPF 953 CFP franc French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna
XPT 962 Platinum (one Troy ounce)  
YER 886 Yemeni Rial Yemen
ZAR 710 South African Rand South Africa
ZMK 894 Kwacha Zambia
ZWD 716 Zimbabwe Dollar Zimbabwe

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Forex Web

The Foreign Exchange, often referred to as the Forex or FX, is the world’s largest financial market, with approximately 3 trillion dollars traded daily. The "goods" traded are currencies of various countries, with the majority of the action involving the so-called majors currencies: the United States dollar (USD), the European euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound sterling (GBP), the Swiss franc (CHF) and the Australian dollar (AUD). Gold and silver are also popular trading instruments. With the explosion of internet usage, the Forex market has become accessible to almost everyone.


Because of the Foreign Exchange’s relatively volatile nature, and the corresponding potential for very high profit, investing in the Forex market might be considered a form of speculation. The highly leveraged financing commonly offered by Forex operators allows traders extremely high potential profits with a comparably small amount of capital investment.
In Forex, clients are offered leverage as high as 1:200, so the client must invest, in this case, only 1/2 percent of the position they would like to buy. In practice, the trader uses a credit, and covers only the risk of the operation (the percentage of presumed currency volatility).
For example, suppose a trader utilizes a 100:1 leverage, and buys a contract valued at $100,000 with an investment of $1,000. With a 1% increase in the position, the trader would make a profit of $1000, or a 100% return on investment. 


Obviously, brokerages make a commission for every trade executed, which is generally factored into the prices quoted in the form of a "pip spread". This cost is very small, usually 0.0003 of a unit or, in Forex lingo, three pips. Three pips is equivalent to three-hundredths of one penny. Of course, when trading extremely large amounts of currencies, this can add up.
For example, if a currency pair is quoted as EUR/USD 1.4000/1.4003, the price at which a broker will sell (Ask) one EUR is 1.4003 USD, while the price at which a broker will buy (Bid) one EUR is 1.4000 USD. The price difference is the broker’s profit. With such a pip spread, the cost of buying one lot (USD 100,000) would be USD 30.
Of course, a lower spread is better for the client. If the position above increases by 10 pips, to 1.4010/1.4013, a trader would earn seven pips, having bought the position at 1.4003 (broker’s selling price), and selling at 1.4010 (broker’s buying price).

Internet Forex Platforms

Today, anyone with an Internet connection can exploit the Forex market utilizing Forex trading platforms, computer applications that enable you — in few simple steps — to buy and sell currencies. These online brokerages provide trader’s the real time information needed to make informed decisions, and the technology to instantly execute trades.

This site offers useful information about the Forex market, helping you gain the practice, information and knowledge necessary to become a successful trader.